79 research outputs found

    Pendekatan pencegahan kaunselor Muslim dalam menangani salah laku pelajar sekolah menengah di daerah Klang, Selangor

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    Muslim counselor in school is a professional guide who can help schools to reduce students’ misbehavior and to implement Islamic values as a way of life. The Islamic approach is the approach implemented by the school counselor in dealing student’s misbehavior. However, the practice of Islamic approach using by Muslim counselor at school in dealing with students’ misbehavior has not been studied extensively. This paper is aimed to discuss and analyze the Islamic approach adopted by the Muslim counselor as an effort to deal the students’ misbehavior in secondary schools in Klang District, Selangor. Data in this paper were collected through a quantitative survey research. By using purposive sampling, a total of 73 Muslim counselors from secondary schools in the Klang District were selected as respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques. The study shows that Muslim counselor in schools has implemented the Islamic preventive approach through programs such as anti-smoking talks, HIV and AIDS talks, self-identity courses, leadership courses, religious talks, and visiting program to rehabilitation center. This study also shows that Muslim counselor practicing Islamic preventive approach in dealing students’ misbehavior such as guiding students to perform solat fardu five times a day, to respect human being and environment, to behave with persistence, to commit with a good or ma`ruf deed, and to select a good mass media. As a whole, the Islamic preventive approach by the Muslim counselor has given a huge implication especially to develop an Islamic counseling index in dealing students’ misbehavior

    Women participation in rural development particularly in community-based tourism

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    Community-based tourism, is often recognized as a good example of sustainable tourism development that creates employment and income. Sustainable development includes long term positive economic, social and environmental perspective. Community development is emphasized in rural area as a part of development agenda that benefits local community thus can be used as a tool to reduce poverty in rural area. This paper focuses on women participation in rural development initiative of Kampung Mangkuk, Setiu that has been identified as a case study to show their involvement in community-based tourism through women’s organization which is PEWANIS and KUNITA. These organizations receive an initiative from Nestle Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and WWF to enhance the livelihoods of local communities particularly women group by providing an opportunities for them to participate in sustainable development program. Thus, this paper will answer the research objective which is to identify the role and potential of women’s organization in order to empower local women in rural area. Local women are provided with relevant skills and knowledge to enable them to participate in sustainable community development program. Initial observation found that, local women are actively involved in women’s organization by participating in various type of socio-economic activities in their area. Through existing women’s organization, local women are encouraged to participate in socio-economic opportunities such as small business activities and environmental awareness like conserve the mangroves and wetlands, that can be an attraction for local tourism in their area. Hence,by describing the roles of women’s organization, it is an effort to increase the status of local women and to evaluate women performance in community-based tourism initiatives particularly in rural area. The majority of local women expressed a positive view with the effectiveness of efforts from women's organizations in improving the lives of local women in their area

    Determinants of retirement saving behavior among employees in Kota Cemerlang, Ayer Keroh, Melaka / Aimi Hanis Abd Halim and Mohamad Izzudin Ismail

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    This research conducted focusing on the factors that influence retirement savings behavior among employess in Kota Cemerlang, Ayer Keroh, Melaka. Retirement saving behavior is very important to ensure that all working Malaysian citizens have knowledge about retirement scheme. In Malaysia, there still many people not aware towards saving for their retirement. In support of the government endeavor, many initiatives had been developed to help the public to create savings for their retirement. For example, the 1Malaysia Retirement Savings Scheme had been launched by our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in Budget 2010, introduced as government initiative to ensure that the self-employed and have no regular income during their retirement savings. This scheme was effective from January 3, 2010. In line with this, the main objectives of this study are (1) To identify the retirement saving behavior among employees in Kota Cemerlang, Ayer Keroh, (2) to examine the relationship between goal clarity, social interaction, self-control on retirement saving behaviors among employees in Kota Cemerlang, Ayer Keroh, Melaka and (3) to determine which contribute the most influence on saving behavior of employees towards goal clarity, social interaction and self-control in Kota Cemerlang, Ayer Keroh, Melaka. The respondents of this study were the staffs that works in Kota Cemerlang, Ayer Keroh, Melaka that located in Aye r Ke roh, Melaka area. 110 questionnaires had been distributed among them. The researcher had used convenience sampling as a sampling technique. The process of analyzing and interpreting data is collected. The researcher also has come out with a few recommendations to be taken into consideration. By implementing these recommendations, it will help the public realize the importance to saving for their retirement

    Extreme rainfall at Malaysia’s highlands / Aminuddin Mohd Baki, Ismail Atan and Fazzarieyyah Abd Halim

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    Many of the extreme rainfall events led to flash-flooding and consequent loss of life and substantial property damage. Therefore there is an urgent need to be able to forecast this event accurately Gumbel distribution is among the common probabilistic models used in hydrological extremes especially in the case of modelling rainfall extremes. This has been especially the case in modeling rainfall extremes. It is a well known that an estimation of extreme rainfall is very important for major hydraulic structure designs. In this study peak over threshold extreme rainfall series have been proposed as an alternative to annual maximum rainfall series in extreme rainfall analysis. A peak over threshold series consists of all the peaks above a certain threshold, whereas an annual maximum rainfall series contains only the maximum rainfall of each year. It has been argued that peak over threshold method uses more information about extreme rainfall because it works with more elements than the annual maxima series method. In this project, the data used were obtained from Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia. The area used as a case study covered a selected area of Malaysia’s highland such as Bukit Peninjau at Pahang, Ladang Boh at Cameron Highland, Gunung Brinchang at Cameron Highland, Genting Sempah at Wilayah Persekutuan and Bukit larut at Perak. The data were extracted using annual maxima and peak over threshold methods and then fitted with Gumbel and Pareto distributions. The return periods were calculated and compared. The obvious advantage of such models over an annual maxima approach is that, by making more of the data in any given time and furthermore, the precision of estimates and return levels can be greatly improved. From the analysis most of the data shows that the return period becomes smaller as the level of threshold becomes larger, i.e. reducing the number of exceedances. Besides, the parameters estimated also shows decreasing with the increasing of number of threshold Furthermore, the quantile plot obtained for each station shows a good fit for both Gumbel distribution and Pareto distribution except for Genting Sempah and Gunung Brinchang which shows a poor fit for both distributions. It can be conclude that data series for both stations are not suitable to be fitted in Gumbel and Pareto distribution

    The impact of headmaster distributive leadership towards professional learning communities

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    Effective school leadership has a massive impact on excellence and success. This study was conducted to identify distributive leadership and professional learning communities (PLC) practice in cluster primary schools of excellence (CPSE) in Kedah, Malaysia. This study also aimed to analyze the extent of principals’ distributive leadership influencing PLC practices and examine the relationship between these two variables. A total of 162 respondents from randomly selected five primary schools participated in the survey. The findings showed that the level of distributive leadership (M=4.4, SD=0.4) and teacher PLC practice (M=4.3, SD=0.4) were very high. The findings also showed a strong and significant positive relationship between principals’ distributive leadership and teachers’ PLC practice (r=.72). Furthermore, the findings indicated the existence of a strong influence for all dimensions of distributive leadership on PLC practices (r2=.60, p<.05). The findings of this study can be used as an essential guide in improving skills, adding knowledge of leadership management, and enhancing PLC practices in producing positive work culture towards realizing educational excellence

    An Empirical Study of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Malaysian Air Passenger

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    The vast majority of Malaysian air passenger have competitive choices among airlines and different service options. Customer satisfaction is what guarantees the survival of airlines and it is achievable only by matching the passengers needs with the services. Assessment of service quality and its subsequent management is of utmost importance for them to be competitive and successful in this industry. Thus, the purpose of this study was set to determine the relationship between service quality (SERVQUAL) and customer satisfaction of Malaysian air passenger. An adopted SERVQUAL instrument including five service quality constructs: empathy, tangibles, responsiveness, reliability and assurance were employed to measure the passengers perceptions about the service quality of airlines. Data were collected from 187 respondents using convenience sampling. The outcome of multiple regression analysis showed that responsiveness, reliability and assurance have a positive significant impact on customer satisfaction. However, empathy and tangible variables recorded an insignificant relationship with customer satisfaction. Conclusion and recommendation were discussed.     Keywords: service quality, customer satisfaction, air passenge

    Determinant factors of paying zakat on employment income by government servants in Malaysia / Shahiszan Haji Ismail, Jumaelya Jogeran and Prof. Madya Dr. Abd. Halim Mohd. Noor

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    Zakat is an obligatory to all the Muslim. There are many instrument provide by zakat institution for Muslim people. However, are these obligations being practice by all the people? Especially to those government servants which have many facilities to pay the zakat. Based on statistic by the Pusat Pungutan Zakat, total amount of zakat payer around 78,820 on 2009, while on 2008 it is about 67,872 zakat payer. This amount only a small portion from 28.3 million of Malaysian population. A Muslim person at Malaysia is about 60% from the population. It shows that, many Muslim people at Malaysia still not perform their obligation to pay zakat as one of the Islamic pillar. There are many research and studies done by previous researcher regarding this never ending issue. It shows this topic is very important to be suit with the current situation. Even though there are many former study about the zakat, but there is lack of study at UiTM which majority of the staff are Muslim and for sure as a Muslim paying zakat is one of the obligatory that must be follow in Islam. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are, 1) To Identify level of zakat payment among the government staff at UiTM Melaka, 2) To analyse main factors which influence zakat payment among the government staff at UiTM Melaka. This research will use descriptive study to describe the characteristics of the variables of interest in a situation. Data will collect via survey questionnaires. Interview with expert person from zakat institution also as a method to gather the relevant information. Sample of the respondent will be choose randomly, it is only 200 academician staff from all the faculty, and about 100 non-academic staff from every department. Collected data will be analysing by using analysis descriptive and correlation. Multiple regression model and logistic regression are using to identify factors and possibility of respondent paying the zakat (Hairunizam 2005, Mohd Ali 2004, Kamil 2005). An outcome from the study expected to answer all the research questions and achieves the objective. It also hopefully can be published as a journal for the future

    An Implementation of Internet-connected Indoor Dust Bin Waste Level Monitoring System for Office Use

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    The paper discusses an implementation of an internet-connected monitoring system to optimize waste collection within office space environment. The implementation consists of four parts – the physical dustbin module, network, middleware and user interface. The implementation uses NodeMCU board with embedded microcontroller to sense and transmit waste level data to a middleware over 802.11 wireless network, while the middleware aggregate data from all registered dustbins within the office area. The aggregated data is then stored in a database server for further analysis. The web-based user interface is used to monitor the dustbins waste level as well as historical data report. This information is vital for waste level management planning and prediction. Additionally, a Technology Acceptance Model survey result has shown that the monitoring system is perceived to be easy to use and useful for office management in monitoring and managing their waste

    Kajian pengkomputeran sistem penilaian kepuasan bekerja kakitangan / Khairul Nizam Abd Halim, Noor Suriana Abu Bakar and Siti Nurbaya Ismail

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    Kepuasan bekerja kakitangan merupakan faktor yang penting di dalam menentukan kejayaan sesebuah organisasi. Walaubagaimanapun, proses penilaian kepuasan bekerja kakitangan secara tradisional (tanpa IT) sukar dilaksanakan serta terdapat kekangan dari segi masa, kos dan gunatenaga. Kekangan-kekangan ini berlaku keranatiga aspek utama, iaitu tiada saluran mantap yang disediakan, kehilangan data atau data tidak lengkap serta memerlukan masa yang terlalu lama untuk menganalisa data bagi menghasilkan laporan. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini dilaksanakan adalah untuk merekabentuk rangka kerja sistem penilaian kepuasan bekerja kakitangan berkomputer, membangunkan prototaip sistem penilaian kepuasan bekerja kakitangan berkomputer dan menentukan tahap penerimaan sistem penilaian kepuasan bekerja kakitangan berkomputer. UiTM kampus Pahang, Cawangan Jengka telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian kes dan dalam kajian ini proses penilaian kepuasan bekerja kakitangan secara tradisional telah dikenalpasti dan dimodelkan. Manakala proses bagi sistem penilaian kepuasan bekerja kakitangan berkomputer telah dikenalpasti melalui Rajah Hubungan Entiti (Entity Relationship Diagram-ERD) dan Rajah Aliran Data (Data Flow Diagram-DFD). Rekabentuk sistem penilaian kepuasan bekerja kakitangan berkomputer yang terdiri daripada senibina dan komponenkomponennya, konfigurasi dan modul-modul sistem yang terlibat telah dikenalpasti dan dibangunkan menggunakan metodologi prototaip evolusi. Penemuan utama daripada kajian ini adalah sebuah sistem penilaian kepuasan bekerja kakitangan berkomputer yang dinamakan sebagai Electronic-Employee Satisfaction Survey System"(e-EmSatS). Hipotesis utama kajian ini iaitu sistem berkomputer lebih baik daripada sistem tradisional dalam proses penilaian telah diterima berdasarkan keputusan ujian kolerasi Spearman yang telah dilaksanakan
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